A narrative description of the 19th century diary of Samuel Scowcroft of Bradshaw.Details
Publication Number | 26 |
Title | Samuel Scowcroft's Diary |
Author | Joan Francis |
Year Published | 2005 |
Number of Pages | 76 |
ISBN Number | 9781904974260 |
Amazon ASIN | 1904974260 (view on Amazon) |
Price & Availability | See publications list |
Cover Photo

Samuel Scowcroft (cover)1890 map of Bradshaw (i)
John Scowcroft 1777-1862 (p2)
Old parish Church, Bolton (p2)
Springfield Farm, Harwood (p4)
Old Bradshaw School (p4)
Old Wesleyan School (p4)
Bradshaw Road cottages (p5)
Bradshaw Blacksmith’s (p5)
Barrow Bridge Mills (p8)
Bolton Market Hall (p8)
First Diary page (p9)
James Lee’s entries 1848-56 (p10)
Wesleyan class c 1890 (p11)
New Wesleyan Chapel (p11)
Unveiling Crompton’s statue (p13)
Corner Shop, Bradshaw Rd. (p13)
Bradshaw Chapel painting (p14)
Bradshaw Road cottages (p14)
Brother Richard’s shop (p16)
Brown Barn Farm (p16)
Farnworth Park (p18)
Walmsley Church (p18)
Cloggers shop (p18)
Diary page 1872 (p19)
Walsh’s Institute (p22)
Consecration - St Maxentius (p23)
China saucer (p25)
St Maxentius Church (p25)
Diary page Feb-Mar 1880 (p27)
Corner stone laying (p28)
Opening of new school (p30)
Harwood Wesleyan School (p30)
Opening - Bradshaw School (p31)
St Maxentius School (p31)
Rev. P A Gallindo (p32)
Diary with census return 1881 (p35)
An 1879 shop notice (p36)
Bolton Union Workhouse (p36)
Diary Aug - Nov 1884 (p38)
New shop on Bradshaw Rd. (p41)
A Scowcroft billhead (p41)
Bradshaw Brow shop (p41)
Sermons Day, Harwood (p42)
Samuel & Elizabeth Scowcroft (p42)
Turton Tower auction notice (p45)
Wesleyan Magazine (p45)
Harwood Lodge (p50)
Thornton Manor (p50)
First electric tram (p52)
New police station (p52)
John Scowcroft (p56)
Edwin Scowcroft (p56)
Edwin in his garden (p56)
Celebration processions (p58)
Death report, Thos Hardcastle (p59)
Rigby Mission (p60)
Bible Class trip (p60)
Rigby’s 50 year celebration (p60)
Nurse Pickles (p62)
Early Bradshaw school group (p62)
St Maxentius school yard (p62)
Lever Park opening (p66)
Longsight Recreation Ground (p66)
Filling in the old pond (p68)
Methodist Men’s Class c1910 (p68)
Back Bradshaw Road stables (p72)
Rear of Bradshaw Road shop (p72)
No 59 Longsight (p72)
Diary entry 1908-1909 (p73)
Barlow Institute Edgworth (p74)
Wilkinson’s Sanatorium (p74)
Summer outing c.1909 (p76)
Outing to Asmus Farm (p76)
Field day at Springside Farm (p76)
Leagate Farm (cover)
Sanoper display (cover)
Grave at St Maxentius (cover)
Surnames Included
Adshead, Albino, Allen, Ashworth, Aunderdale, Banns, Barker, Barlow, Bentley, Bierns, Bolton, Booth, Boyce, Boyes, Bradbury, Bradshaw, Bridge, Briggs, Bromiley, Bromily, Brooks, Brown, Cannon, Chadwick, Clarke, Cole, Collison, Connell, Cooper, Cornforth, Cosgrave, Crompton, Cross, Crossley, Darbyshire, Deakin, Dugdale, Duxbury, Entwistle, Field, Fish, Fletcher, Fraser, French, Frodsham, Fry, Galindo, Gardiner, Garnett, Gladstone, Greenhalgh, Greg, Gresty, Hall, Hamer, Hardcastle, Hargreaves, Hartley, Harwood, Haslam, Haworth, Haydock, Heaton, Heywood, Hibbert, Hill, Hindle, Holt, Hopwood, Horridge, Howarth, Isherwood, Jolly, Judson, Kay, Keble, Kenyon, Kershaw, Kilburn, Kirkman, Knowles, Laithwaite, Lee, Leigh, Lever, Lomax, Marsden, Mason, Miles, Miller, Millington, Monks, Morris, Musgrave, Northcote, Nuttall, Ormrod, Pearson, Pennington, Peverley, Pickles, Pilling, Plant, Pollitt, Pomfret, Porritt, Priestly, Ramsden, Ramwell, Randles, Riley, Robinson, Rogerson, Roscoe, Roscow, Rostron, Rushton, Russell, Sadler, Scholes, Scowcroft, Shaw, Sherwood, Shirres, Simpson, Slack, Slater, Southern, Spencer, Stephens, Storey, Tootill, Unsworth, Vickers, Walker, Waller, Walmsley, Walsh, Ward, Warring, Watkinson, Weaver, Wells, Whitehead, Whittle, Wild, Wilkinson, Winder, WoodWordcloud showing surname frequency |